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The Right Thing to Do

The REALTORS® Political Action Committee is the wing of NAR, VR and BRAR that supports candidates from both major parties and Independents who champion real estate related legislation favorable to our members and property owners. Simply put, it’s the best way to make sure we elect people who keep private property regulation to a minimum and keep regulators away from your paycheck if they propose legislation that might tax your commissions further or impose unfair fees on your ability to pursue a career in real estate.

RPAC is like an insurance policy that protects your career.  It’s an incredible bargain compared to the money you pay for homeowners, vehicle, or medical insurance.

While investment in RPAC is optional, think of it this way:  You wouldn’t go to a block party or potluck dinner without bringing something to the table, and then enjoying what others provided.  Most REALTOR® members are happy to make their minimal investment in RPAC each year on their dues billing, or even step up to become a Major Investor if they feel their career in real estate has led to a higher standard of living then they’d imagined.

You can invest anywhere from the minimum suggested amount on your annual dues billing, to levels reaching $1,000, $2,500, $5,000, or even $10,000 if you’re passionate about politics and protecting the American Dream.  Please call your CEO if you’re ready to make a big commitment.  It comes with lots of benefits and recognition from NAR, the Virginia REALTORS® and BRAR.  Check out the link provided to the NAR RPAC page.

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